The Pace of AI

The Personality of You and I


The most successful brands in the world communicate with charisma. Sometimes they’re funny. Sometimes they’re smart. Sometimes they’re warm. Sometimes they push the boundaries. What’s always true is that the biggest brands don’t talk like brands. They talk like people. And whether that person sounds like your best friend, your coach or your cheerleader, every word they use in their marketing is a carefully-crafted signal towards the type of personality they wish to convey and the type of relationship they’d like to have with their customers.

The Personality of You and I

At Kaiako AI, our team of marketers and psychologists have developed 16 distinct personality types - we call them marketypes - that have been proven to talk to your customers in ways they’ll find more engaging and more persuasive, driving better marketing results for your company. And now you can access all that codified creativity and start generating more charismatic copy in seconds.


The Pace of AI

Kaiako harnesses the power of generative artificial intelligence (Generative AI) to be able to create big agency quality marketing content in a fraction of the time it takes them, for a fraction of the price, empowering challenger brands to take on their name-brand competitors while sounding like their equals.